monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (268 words)

A Little Autumn in the Air

So this is going to be my first autumn in 44 years that I haven't gone to school! I'm on sabbatical from my teaching job at Marianopolis College while I work on my latest YA project, tentatively entitled Miracleville. It's part exhilarating not to be at school -- I'm so used to rushing around this time of year, watching the clock, learning new names, reading writing samples... and now I get to have long delicious writing days all to myself. Not rushing feels like balm to my busy soul! But I have to admit that there are also moments when I feel a wee bit... well... lost. That may be because I always get a buzz of energy every time I go back to school -- that happened when I was a student and continued after I became a teacher. I guess for teachers, the year begins in September, not in January, the way it does for other people. 

Must say though that as strange as this may sound, I had a lovely time with my characters today. It's like I'm getting to know them better as I write -- just like we get to know real people better over time. Sometimes, writing fiction feels like being a kid again and having imaginary friends!!

There is definitely a little autumn in the Montreal air this evening. We're having a houseguest this weekend -- my friend Carole Wilbourn, New York's primo cat therapist. Carole has written several non-fiction books about cat care. Plus she is a real character -- no wonder this writer is looking forward to her visit!!

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