monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (195 words)

Here's What One of My Students Has to Say About the Writing Process

The students in my "Writing for Children" have been working on their first chapters of a junior novel. Thanks to them, I'm getting to read some pretty amazing stories. One of my students, Emily Distefano, is writing about a girl from Texas who comes to Canada to live with her magician uncle. The girl's parents have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. At the end of Tuesday's class, Emily stayed to get some help -- and to chat a little about the writing process. I thought many readers and writers would be able to relate to what Emily had to say: "Writing is hard! I want this, but how do I get there?" I almost laughed when she said that because that's EXACTLY HOW IT IS FOR ME -- and I imagine it's the same for just about every writer! Writing is definitely hard; we have a sense of what we want, but getting there is tough. And of course, things tend to change along the way. Okay then, I've gotta run. I'm doing a book talk, and then I've got a busy afternoon at school. Will check back in over the Easter weekend. Bye for now!! 
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Thoughts on Happiness
Preparing for a Talk about "Capturing the Teenage ...


Guest - Kim on Thursday, 20 March 2008 23:33

Wonderful timing -- I spent so many hours over the past week correcting my French fairytale analysis! I agree with Emily saying that she knows what she wants but just can't get there... It took me a lot of time to have my essay sound right (removing paraphrases and deepening the analysis), and hopefully the end result isn't too bad. However, it was the first time I had to rewirte an essay in order to improve it -- normally, I see the grade, make a mental note about what to improve for the next time, and that's it. I suppose I got a taste of what writers go through when editors send back manuscripts with ideas for improving them

Wonderful timing -- I spent so many hours over the past week correcting my French fairytale analysis! :D I agree with Emily saying that she knows what she wants but just can't get there... It took me a lot of time to have my essay sound right (removing paraphrases and deepening the analysis), and hopefully the end result isn't too bad. However, it was the first time I had to rewirte an essay in order to improve it -- normally, I see the grade, make a mental note about what to improve for the next time, and that's it. I suppose I got a taste of what writers go through when editors send back manuscripts with ideas for improving them :D
Guest - tamar on Friday, 21 March 2008 04:41

i think that knowing what you want but struggling to get there applies not only to writing but to everyday life.. kind of like me
i think i know what i want in life, in terms of school and career and family but it has turned out to be harder than it seems!!!
like my friend says (or got from a show I think): "life's hard--> get a helmet"
happy easter and happy purim!

i think that knowing what you want but struggling to get there applies not only to writing but to everyday life.. kind of like me i think i know what i want in life, in terms of school and career and family but it has turned out to be harder than it seems!!! like my friend says (or got from a show I think): "life's hard--> get a helmet" happy easter and happy purim!
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