monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (201 words)

Hola Senor

... or senorita! Now that I'm back in snowy Montreal, I have a tremendous urge to speak Spanish!! Those of you taking Spanish classes are SO lucky. If I had a little more free time, I'd ask one of the Spanish teachers at school to let me sit in on her (or his) class. 

So I'm back at work. I've already taught and tidied up my house (the tidying if you're new to my blog is part of my writing process... weird, I know, but hey, it seems to work for me) and now I'm going to sit down and work on that story for The National Post newspaper about Mexican dentists -- and how Canadians sometimes get dental treatment in Mexico. I wrote the first draft of my story on the plane yesterday -- so now I'm going to whip it into shape. This morning, one of my journalism students said how when she reads something really good, it feels like it was EFFORTLESS. We discussed how that's just an illusion. Good writing seems effortless and natural, but it's always always always the result of great effort. That being said, it's time for me to get back to that project. Adios!! 

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Guest - Kim on Monday, 10 March 2008 21:04

I have Spanish class twice a week Although I started back in Grade 7 so now I'm quite confortable with the language -- I even spoke Spanish with the doctor who saw me at the Emergency at the Montral General this morning!! (How I got there is another story.) Anyways, maybe you could try sitting in on a Spanish class once in a while, and then maybe speak with the teachers whenever you see them during a break or something? At least you wouldn't lose what you've already learned.
I have to agree that good writing sometimes feels effortless -- I experienced that once in one of my Journal entries. However, most of the time, writing in a lot of work.

Hola!! I have Spanish class twice a week :D Although I started back in Grade 7 so now I'm quite confortable with the language -- I even spoke Spanish with the doctor who saw me at the Emergency at the Montral General this morning!! (How I got there is another story.) Anyways, maybe you could try sitting in on a Spanish class once in a while, and then maybe speak with the teachers whenever you see them during a break or something? At least you wouldn't lose what you've already learned. I have to agree that good writing sometimes feels effortless -- I experienced that once in one of my Journal entries. However, most of the time, writing in a lot of work. :D
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