monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

4 minutes reading time (785 words)

New Friends at St. Lawrence Academy Senior Campus

Hello again... you might think I'd be tired after teaching my own class this morning at Marianopolis College and then zipping off to LaSalle to work with Grades Three, Four, Five and Six students at St. Lawrence Academy's Senior Campus -- but instead, I'm ENERGIZED! That seems to be the effect young people have on me.

I met with two large groups of students, so that by the endof the day, I'd met just about every single student at the school! One of the things I talked about was how it's important for a writer to SHOW, NOT TELL! I explained how I knew one student sitting in the front row was eager to learn about writing -- at St. Lawrence, when someone raises his or her hand in a crowd, it's a sign he or she wants silence. Well, before it was even time for me to start, a Grade Three student named Sabrina raised her hand high up in the air. She wanted me to get to work! (That made me like her straightaway). I could tell another student was a little less focused. The telltale clue? He had stretched out a hunk of blue sticky tack and stuck it on his forehead! 

I also talked about how as an author I am constantly on the lookout for stories. Well, wouldn't you know it? -- a story walked right up to me. The story came in the form of a Grade Three student named Dante (after the famous Italian poet, of course!). "Wanna see my fake ID?" Dante asked me. (Rather an unusual question, don't you think, for a nine-year-old?) Dante's fake ID is a driver's license. Also, one of Dante's friends told me he and Dante are obsessed with Lego. Dante sometimes buys Lego stuff on e-Bay (using his mom's account). Maybe I'll have to work a guy like Dante into a future book!

Today again, I have lots of people to thank for helping to arrange my visit -- librarian Wendy Corner, vice-principal Miss Mitchell, and all the teachers who helped the students stay focused during my talks. Thanks also to the students who kept me company in the cafeteria while I ate my egg sandwich at lunchtime! And special thanks to all of you for the beautiful cards, the "Welcome Ms. Polak" banner, and the beautiful bouquet of flowers!!

Now I have a couple of questions I've promised to answer on today's blog entry. Amber wrote to ask me to describe my routine around the house. Well Amber, I'm afraid the answer isn't all that interesting, but here goes. I enjoy tidying up my house and cooking and hanging out the laundry -- that may be because I think a lot about my stories when I do those things. Last week I read that famous American author Joyce Carol Oates really enjoys vacuuming. Here's what she said about it: "I go into a very happy state of mind when I'm vacuuming. I think some of my male colleagues, like Philip Roth... are completely denied this pleasure." 

Alaina, a student at St. Lawrence, wanted to know how she could go about publishing her stories. Well Alaina, you could start by looking for writing contests you are eligible for. Perhaps your teacher or Miss Wendy, your librarian, could help you find some contests to enter. Also, once you have written your manuscript, you can send it to a publisher. A good idea is to go to the bookstore and check out the kids' section. Look for books aimed at the sort of readers you'd like to write for, too -- write down the names of the publishers of those books. You should probably start by sending your work to them. 

Well off I go... I need to do a little TIDYING UP, then I want to get back to my re-write of Junkyard Dog, one of my upcoming fall books. And I want to post a pic of me with Sabrina and Dante at St. Lawrence Academy's Senior Campus (I just posted the pic, but it came out too dark -- sorry about that. If one of you has a better pic, can you e-mail it to me and I'll post that instead?IMG_1443.jpg). I've already had several personal e-mails from St. Lawrence students... if you guys post your comments directly on this blog, other students will be able to read them, too, and I'll try to reply on the blog. Alaina, I'll read your worm story soon. Send me your e-mail address so I can write to you with my comments. 

Have a good rest of the day wherever you are. Hope no matter how busy your day is, there'll be a little time left for READING and WRITING!!

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Holocaust Memorial Event
What's A Writer Doing Hanging Out At the Park?


Guest - Amber on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 03:28

oh monique! you always make at least 1 mistake in your text! like endof the day.

:D oh monique! you always make at least 1 mistake in your text! like endof the day.
Guest - Amber on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 03:44

Hi Monique lol you like doing laundry? I guess u do get ideas when u wash peoples underwear ;D lol oh well hope you finish that book soon! From : Amber

Hi Monique lol you like doing laundry? I guess u do get ideas when u wash peoples underwear ;D lol oh well hope you finish that book soon! From : Amber
Guest - Monique on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 06:52

Amber, you are one smart cookie! Lucky I have you to check for mistakes! However "endof" isn't really MY fault -- it's something the blog program seems to do once in every entry. I agree that it's a nuisance though. And like I said, you're one smart cookie! Are you going to be a writer or maybe an editor one day?

Amber, you are one smart cookie! Lucky I have you to check for mistakes! However "endof" isn't really MY fault -- it's something the blog program seems to do once in every entry. I agree that it's a nuisance though. And like I said, you're one smart cookie! Are you going to be a writer or maybe an editor one day?
Guest - Wendy on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 10:47

Hi Monique,

How are you doing? My name is Jagdeep, I am a grade 3 student and I am writing this at Miss Wendy's desk. Did you have fun yesterday? I did! ;D Your books are really good and I am going to read them when they arrive in my library and my favourite book was the one about the house invaders 8). What did you think about my school? I like it ...everybody does :P
Bye for now, Jagdeep

Hi Monique, How are you doing? My name is Jagdeep, I am a grade 3 student and I am writing this at Miss Wendy's desk. Did you have fun yesterday? I did! ;D Your books are really good and I am going to read them when they arrive in my library and my favourite book was the one about the house invaders 8). What did you think about my school? I like it ...everybody does :P Bye for now, Jagdeep
Guest - Wendy on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 10:54

Hi Monique,

Thanks for inspiring the students at St. Lawrence Sr. to excel at reading and writing! They are anxious for your books to hit the shelves! They are excited to learn that the books you talked about can be used for books reports in elementary school and bonus - high school!
Take care and keep in touch,

Hi Monique, Thanks for inspiring the students at St. Lawrence Sr. to excel at reading and writing! They are anxious for your books to hit the shelves! They are excited to learn that the books you talked about can be used for books reports in elementary school and bonus - high school! :D Take care and keep in touch, Wendy
Monique Polak on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 11:09

Well, I've had lots of mail from you guys and comments on my blog. SUPER! Like I said in yesterday's blog entry, you ENERGIZED me and I'm still on a "high" from visiting you and your lovely school. I had the feeling there were LOTS of stories around. Tell them and write them, and one day, hopefully, I'll get to read them! I've got your cards on display in my little office -- and the banner is in the living room where I can show it off to anyone who comes to visit. Thanks again, Miss Wendy, and I look forward to our coffee date! Big hug for all of you from me

Well, I've had lots of mail from you guys and comments on my blog. SUPER! Like I said in yesterday's blog entry, you ENERGIZED me and I'm still on a "high" from visiting you and your lovely school. I had the feeling there were LOTS of stories around. Tell them and write them, and one day, hopefully, I'll get to read them! I've got your cards on display in my little office -- and the banner is in the living room where I can show it off to anyone who comes to visit. Thanks again, Miss Wendy, and I look forward to our coffee date! Big hug for all of you from me
Guest - Jessica on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 17:25

Thank for visiting our school I can't wait for your books to come at our school library! ;D i'm going to be the first to take out one of your books.

Thank for visiting our school I can't wait for your books to come at our school library! ;D i'm going to be the first to take out one of your books. :D
Guest - Jessica on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 18:21

Hi Monique I have a idea for a book about a little boy who's a trouble maker and in his teacher's eyes his like a devil but his twin sister is like an angel. I'll write again as soon as I have another idea. tatta for now.

Hi Monique I have a idea for a book about a little boy who's a trouble maker and in his teacher's eyes his like a devil but his twin sister is like an angel. I'll write again as soon as I have another idea. tatta for now. :D
Monique Polak on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 18:43

Thanks for your comments, Jessica. I'm excited that you're going to be reading my books. Your idea about the brother and twin sister is very good. I wanted to point out that writers sometimes uses characters who are "foils" for one another. It's a technique that works really well. The characters are opposite -- like the brother you describe is a troublemaker; his twin sister is an angel. My recommendation is that YOU write this book since you're the one who thought of it!! Let me know what happens! 'Bye for now from me

Thanks for your comments, Jessica. I'm excited that you're going to be reading my books. Your idea about the brother and twin sister is very good. I wanted to point out that writers sometimes uses characters who are "foils" for one another. It's a technique that works really well. The characters are opposite -- like the brother you describe is a troublemaker; his twin sister is an angel. My recommendation is that YOU write this book since you're the one who thought of it!! Let me know what happens! 'Bye for now from me
Guest - Thomas costello on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 19:35

hi monique thnx 4 comin to our skewl i really enjoyed your speech and im lookin forward to gettin one of ur books ;D

hi monique thnx 4 comin to our skewl i really enjoyed your speech and im lookin forward to gettin one of ur books ;D
Guest - Matthew on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 20:40

Hi Monique

I have a book idea about girl who is very bad and one day her mom said that she got 10 calls from her teacher that she was miss behaving. Her mom said to be more helpful and the girl was being helpful for now on. ;D

Hi Monique I have a book idea about girl who is very bad and one day her mom said that she got 10 calls from her teacher that she was miss behaving. Her mom said to be more helpful and the girl was being helpful for now on. ;D
Monique Polak on Saturday, 25 April 2009 07:25

Hi Thomas and Matthew! Thanks for your comments on the blog. I love hearing from young readers! Thomas, Soon your school should be receiving a box of my books. And Matthew, your idea of a book about a misbehaving girl is very good. Remember how I told you guys that TROUBLE makes the best stories? Well, it sounds like your character is in a lot of trouble. START WRITING! 'Bye both of you.... have a great weekend!

Hi Thomas and Matthew! Thanks for your comments on the blog. I love hearing from young readers! Thomas, Soon your school should be receiving a box of my books. And Matthew, your idea of a book about a misbehaving girl is very good. Remember how I told you guys that TROUBLE makes the best stories? Well, it sounds like your character is in a lot of trouble. START WRITING! 'Bye both of you.... have a great weekend!
Guest - Jayda on Wednesday, 29 April 2009 18:13

Hi Monique, I'm soooooooo happy you came to our school ;D I don't want to be an author but I'm in to song writing and acting.Does the song writing compare to writing a book? And I'm going to be 1 of the first ones to read your books at our school 8) Bye!!


Hi Monique, I'm soooooooo happy you came to our school ;D I don't want to be an author but I'm in to song writing and acting.Does the song writing compare to writing a book? And I'm going to be 1 of the first ones to read your books at our school 8) Bye!! *Jayda*
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