monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (152 words)

Writers are Like Squirrels

The reason writers are like squirrels is that we don't let anything go to waste. Something strange or funny or sad happens and we JOT IT DOWN. Eventually, it'll find a place in some story or another. Tamar sent a comment to the blog asking whether I ever recycled any of my manuscripts that were initially rejected? The answer is YESSIREE!! My spring 2007 title, Finding Elmo, was based on oneof the first manuscripts I submitted to publishers when I was just starting out. In the end, I only used about a page or two from the original manuscript -- but the idea for the story (a bird is birdnapped from a Montreal pet store) stayed the same, as did the major characters. So hope you are squirrel-ing away interesting ideas and stories and incidents. My experience is that eventually, everything finds its place. Okay, back to work. Talk to you tomorrow!
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Guest - Kim on Monday, 25 February 2008 20:41

I like the idea of jotting things down... especially because, even when I make a mental note to remember something, I'll forget I even wanted to remember it until a few days later, at which point I've forgotten whatever it was I've now reached the stage where I will carry a pen and paper with me, but I'll lose the paper in the bottom of my handbag for a few days, instead. Maybe I'll get it right by the end of the year!
It's funny how your original manuscript was refused, but then once you'd rewritten it publishers took Finding Elmo. By the time you rewrote it, the novel was probably much better than the original...

I like the idea of jotting things down... especially because, even when I make a mental note to remember something, I'll forget I even wanted to remember it until a few days later, at which point I've forgotten whatever it was :D I've now reached the stage where I will carry a pen and paper with me, but I'll lose the paper in the bottom of my handbag for a few days, instead. Maybe I'll get it right by the end of the year! It's funny how your original manuscript was refused, but then once you'd rewritten it publishers took Finding Elmo. By the time you rewrote it, the novel was probably much better than the original...
Guest - Tamar on Tuesday, 26 February 2008 03:09

i tend to also forget things so i always find a piece of paper to jot something down, a new song i like etc and my school agenda is my best friend... Thanks for the answer and I liked finding elmo, i liked all 7 of your books.. waiting for the next 3...

i tend to also forget things so i always find a piece of paper to jot something down, a new song i like etc and my school agenda is my best friend... Thanks for the answer and I liked finding elmo, i liked all 7 of your books.. waiting for the next 3...
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