monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (143 words)

Correcting Frenzy!!

Did I mention that I recently reviewed a book for The Gazette called "Complaint-Free Universe"? According to the book, we're not supposed to complain (because according to the book, complaining about things only makes us unhappier). So all I can tell you is I've got a pile of correcting sitting on the dining room table and it needs doing. It also means I may not get much time to write this week -- and next week, too, when I'm expecting another batch of essays. OH WELL!! (See, I didn't complain -- but I was tempted!!)

I'll still do my darnedest to squeeze in a bit of writing time this week. Orca needs me to write the dedication and acknowledgements for What World Is Left. That's another sign that that project is nearing completion. Okay then, back I go to that pile of essays!!

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Goodness Gracious, Almost Forgot to Write a Blog E...


Guest - Kim on Monday, 17 March 2008 20:38

Well then, first off, thanks for taking the time to write in your blog despite all the rest of the writing which you have left to do!
I agree about the complaining... and Mondays are usually the days when I complain most, because it's the beginning of the week, and because I have 4 classes non-stop (3 of which are 2 hours long), so no lunch break (fortunately, my English teacher doesn't mind my eating during his class!). I'll work hard on avoiding complaining for the next little while and see how great a difference it makes!

Well then, first off, thanks for taking the time to write in your blog despite all the rest of the writing which you have left to do! :D I agree about the complaining... and Mondays are usually the days when I complain most, because it's the beginning of the week, and because I have 4 classes non-stop (3 of which are 2 hours long), so no lunch break (fortunately, my English teacher doesn't mind my eating during his class!). I'll work hard on avoiding complaining for the next little while and see how great a difference it makes! ;)
Guest - tamar on Tuesday, 18 March 2008 20:11

hahaha! give up complaining? that's hard... i even got voted biggest complainer for my high school year book!!
I am assuming you just collected the humanities paper on the analysis of a joke... unless that's the batch you have coming next week... but those I guess are kind of fun to read if the joke is good...
have a good week!

hahaha! give up complaining? that's hard... i even got voted biggest complainer for my high school year book!! I am assuming you just collected the humanities paper on the analysis of a joke... unless that's the batch you have coming next week... but those I guess are kind of fun to read if the joke is good... have a good week!
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