monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (144 words)

Goodness Gracious, Almost Forgot to Write a Blog Entry...

That's because I've been so busy working on the "track changes" for What World is Left. (I'm starting to get used to the name of my fall book, which was re-christened this week by my editor in B.C.) Only time for a short entry today since I'm headed out for dinner with a friend. But I wanted to share something interesting that Manitoba writer Anita Daher wrote to me today. It was about how vulnerable we writers feel when we are waiting for feedback from our editors. (Anita is working with Sarah Harvey, too.) Here's what Anita had to say: "whenever we put on the skin of a character, we're putting on all of their faults and sensitivities as well." Nicely put, no? Anita's latest book, published by Orca, is a sports thriller called Two Foot Punch. 

Okay, talk to you next week! Bon weekend!! 

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Correcting Frenzy!!
My Character Gets a New Name -- and So Does My Boo...


Guest - Kim on Saturday, 15 March 2008 03:03

Before I forget, I must say I enjoyed your article on procrastination -- especially the last quote, from the person who said she didn't realize until the interview just how bad her procrastination was.
I think I understand the idea of vulnerability that authors feel -- because editors are a little like teachers, I suppose, and it's not fun to receive criticism (until you realize that it's constructive and destined at making (to make?) a better final result, not at discouraging (to discourage?) you... easy to say, but I know I still don't take criticism well!) or wait for the editor's final say. It's bad enough to have to wait for grades on term papers and mid-terms...
Have fun at your dinner -- I just got back from a meeting with my high school graduating class and it was quite nice to see everyone again. It hadn't occured to me just how much I missed the familiarity of knowing everyone, and knowing where to find anything needed. The staircases were much narrower than I remembered, though, and we blocked the passage a few times because we're used to the larger stairways in CEGEPs!

PS: I see you've changed from Spanish to French It's definitely more useful to speak the latter in Montréal

Before I forget, I must say I enjoyed your article on procrastination -- especially the last quote, from the person who said she didn't realize until the interview just how bad her procrastination was. :D I think I understand the idea of vulnerability that authors feel -- because editors are a little like teachers, I suppose, and it's not fun to receive criticism (until you realize that it's constructive and destined at making (to make?) a better final result, not at discouraging (to discourage?) you... easy to say, but I know I still don't take criticism well!) or wait for the editor's final say. It's bad enough to have to wait for grades on term papers and mid-terms... Have fun at your dinner -- I just got back from a meeting with my high school graduating class and it was quite nice to see everyone again. It hadn't occured to me just how much I missed the familiarity of knowing everyone, and knowing where to find anything needed. The staircases were much narrower than I remembered, though, and we blocked the passage a few times because we're used to the larger stairways in CEGEPs! :) PS: I see you've changed from Spanish to French :D It's definitely more useful to speak the latter in Montréal ;)
Guest - tamar on Saturday, 15 March 2008 05:18

hope you enjoyed your dinner
i got an idea for a book today, but will probably never write it out haha... so true that misery makes stories

hope you enjoyed your dinner i got an idea for a book today, but will probably never write it out haha... so true that misery makes stories
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