monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (233 words)

Monday Morning Greeting

Hello, out there! We got some snowstorm yesterday! The college where I work is closed for the day. No such luck for my husband, Mike, who's an editor at the Montreal Gazette. Unlike teachers, newsroom staff never get snow days! Speaking of The Gazette, my story about how people feel proprietary about parking spots they've gone to the trouble of digging out is in today's paper. Here's the link if you want to check it out:

I was supposed to meet up with two teacher friends today for lunch, but our rendezvous is cancelled because of all the snow. Which means I can stay in my flannel nightgown all morning and WRITE! First, I've got to work on that newspaper story about the place that recycles mattresses -- then I'm going back to the George River project. In fact, the snowstorm has inspired  me. Yesterday morning, we had thunder and lightning in addition to heavy snow -- I didn't even know that particular combination was possible -- so I'm going to work that into my story today. I was thinking that because I am writing a story set so far in the north (Nunavik, Quebec), it's as if the weather gets to be a separate character! Okay then, off I go to get to work. It's certainly a lovely day to be a writer who works at home. Hope your day is cozy, too!

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Guest - Kim on Tuesday, 18 December 2007 01:05

Lucky you to have had the chance to take advantage of the snow day to write!! (I had a visit to the Canadian Spage Agency this morning) I think my paperboy took the day off, since we didn't receive the Gazette today. I found the article about parking spots and snow really interesting, given that we don't have that problem in the West Island, but also because I can say that my English teacher wrote an article for the Gazette and one of the people interviewed was my Math teacher!

Lucky you to have had the chance to take advantage of the snow day to write!! (I had a visit to the Canadian Spage Agency this morning) I think my paperboy took the day off, since we didn't receive the Gazette today. I found the article about parking spots and snow really interesting, given that we don't have that problem in the West Island, but also because I can say that my English teacher wrote an article for the Gazette and one of the people interviewed was my Math teacher! :)
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