monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

2 minutes reading time (389 words)

How'd it Get to be Friday So Soon?!

It's not just Friday -- it's Friday at four minutes to five. This has been a very busy week. I'm glad I had nice long stretches at the computer. Some days, the writing comes more quickly than on other days. Those telephone interviews I did last week with Isabelle and this week with Mark really helped me gain momentum on my latest book project. Though I have kind-of-an-idea about wheremy story is headed, I have to admit that this time, I am working without at outline. It's a little like crawling through a tunnel in the dark -- I can only see a little bit ahead of me. Every once in a while, I think that I should use an outline, but then I seem to want to keep telling my story instead. Maybe next week I'll write an outline -- if I do, I'll need to go back to the beginning and map out what's happened so far... or maybe I won't!

I also did some reporting this afternoon for two stories I am writing for the Montreal Gazette. One story is about how people who don't have garages get upset when someone else takes their parking spot on a snowy day. My friend Viva told me how one of her neighbours spent half an hour shoveling out her car --  only to discover it belonged to someone else!! So I went and knocked on the lady's door... and luckily for me, she agreed to be interviewed. I'm also researching a story for the Business section about a company that recycles mattresses. 

 Did I tell you that the advance readers' copy of the 121 Express arrived in the mail? It's got a very cool cover!! Of course, the rest of the world will have to wait until spring to see it! My 77-year-old dad read the advance copy of the book this week -- and he said he loved it. Must mean he's still in touch with his inner 13-year-old!!

Other news: I had five friends over last night for dinner and a cookie exchange. That means everyone made six dozen cookies -- one dozen to keep,  and five dozen to give away. So now, I'm thinking about having a cookie -- the only problem is which one to choose! 

Talk to you next week. Have a happy, fun, safe weekend.  

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Monday Morning Greeting
Quiet Writing Days... Ahhh!


Guest - Kim on Saturday, 15 December 2007 00:05

Hi Miss. Polak!
I just wanted to update you on what I did today to celebrate the 17th anniversary of my arrival from China - which wasn't the relaxed day I was expecting! I ended up spending a couple of hours working in the school Robotics workshop, before going out with a friend to have a late lunch and taking the train home. By the time I arrived home, my mother had left for her "work party" (seems all adults are having Christmas parties at work this week!!), but she called me from there to wish me a "happy anniversary of my arrival" and promised to buy my chocolate eclair tomorrow!

I don't know how you write without an outline - I understand the idea of seeing the story develop as you write it, but I'd go crazy! I depend on my outline, and I find it easier to simply concentrate on writing the story and not thinking about what will happen next.

Hi Miss. Polak! I just wanted to update you on what I did today to celebrate the 17th anniversary of my arrival from China - which wasn't the relaxed day I was expecting! I ended up spending a couple of hours working in the school Robotics workshop, before going out with a friend to have a late lunch and taking the train home. By the time I arrived home, my mother had left for her "work party" (seems all adults are having Christmas parties at work this week!!), but she called me from there to wish me a "happy anniversary of my arrival" and promised to buy my chocolate eclair tomorrow! I don't know how you write without an outline - I understand the idea of seeing the story develop as you write it, but I'd go crazy! I depend on my outline, and I find it easier to simply concentrate on writing the story and not thinking about what will happen next.
Guest - Tamar on Monday, 17 December 2007 02:54

Hi Ms. Polak,
I find it very funny that someone dug up someone else's car. I spent 10 minutes pushing a car today... not fun! I can't wait to read your book 121 express-it sounds very very fun to read! I read four of your books so far and enjoyed them all!

Hi Ms. Polak, I find it very funny that someone dug up someone else's car. I spent 10 minutes pushing a car today... not fun! I can't wait to read your book 121 express-it sounds very very fun to read! I read four of your books so far and enjoyed them all!
Guest - Tamar on Monday, 17 December 2007 02:54

p.s. go for the oatmeal raisin cookies!

p.s. go for the oatmeal raisin cookies!
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