monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

2 minutes reading time (317 words)

Quiet Writing Days... Ahhh!

So the last three days have been what I consider heavenly. Not much to do, except WRITE!! Though I manage to keep writing during the school semester, it does feel like I'm juggling a lot of balls when I'm teaching full-time... and now, I'm down to just one ball... or two. I've been moving forward on the George River project. Did I tell you that last week I had a very good phone conversation with Isabelle Guay, who told me how net fishing works? Today, I contacted Mark Brazeau, the vice-principal at the school I visited in Kangiqsualujjuaq, since I have a few questions for him, too. Mark and his family are really into winter camping and he has his own team of Inuit sled dogs. 

The other ball I've been juggling this week has to do with journalism. Yesterday, I wrote a story for The National Post newspaper about waiting. Not sure if I mentioned that I was researching this topic. I got the idea last week when I was waiting for some guy to finish using the bank machine. Not only did he take forever (well, it felt like forever to me!), but he had a bad cold and he was sneezing all over the ATM. Anyway, I learned some very interesting things in the last week or so about waiting. Did you know that the average person spends five years of his or her life waiting in line? One good thing about being a writer is I always have something to do while I wait -- you guessed it, write!! I'll let you know when that article appears in the Post. It might take a few weeks... meaning I'll just have to WAIT!! 

Okay, I'm going back to my story. More from me later this week! Hope that wherever you are, you're also getting to spend your days doing the stuff you most love to do! 

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How'd it Get to be Friday So Soon?!
Visit to John Abbott College


Guest - Kim on Friday, 14 December 2007 01:52

Hi Miss. Polak!
I'm definitely planning on taking some time to do what I like - now that Exams are over, it's a lot of fun to be able to read in bed at night without worrying about having to wake up at 6 o'clock the next morning!

Hi Miss. Polak! I'm definitely planning on taking some time to do what I like - now that Exams are over, it's a lot of fun to be able to read in bed at night without worrying about having to wake up at 6 o'clock the next morning! :D
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